Crowdfunding For Startups to Launch Your Product

Building a startup and trying to sell it for big dollars is the modern day gold rush. Crowdfunding for Startups might be how you turn your idea into a Startup.

The cost of starting a business is dropping to the point of needing no money to start. Crowdfunding for Startups has helped make this possible.

Between crowdfunding and the internet, the cost to start a company is extremely low.

Crowdfunding got its start in funding businesses. It gives anybody the ability to invest in a company. Supporting products that solve the struggles they experience on a daily basis.

Crowdfunding for Startups

Crowdfunding for Startups serves two purposes when you are looking to start a company.

The first is it will give you the necessary funds to launch your company and get a product to market. The second is that it will allow you to see if anybody actually wants to buy your product.

People typically invest in products they think are viable in the market. Thus, a crowdfunding campaign is a great way to test the market.

If you are thinking of bringing a product to market, it is a great idea to consider a crowdfunding campaign. Here is the process for developing a crowdfunding for Startups.

Determine Your Market

The first step in creating a startup is finding a market to operate in.

There are a number things you use on a daily basis that you can improve. Decide your market first. This is against conventional wisdom. Conventional wisdom states it is all about an idea. This is no longer the product development process.

Ideas are not worth much, because of the amount of effort that goes into developing an idea into a business.

Determine the market. Ensure it is a niche market. There is a saying: “niche or die.” This allows you to focus on finding a solution for a focused group of people.

Find Your Idea

Once you have determined your niche then you can develop your idea.

Your idea should solve a problem that people face. Ideally, you should know something about it. This solution will allow your product to bring value to your company.

You never want to create a “product”. You want to create a solution. Something that will make people’s life easier. Add value.

Determine How To Create The Product

The next step is to determine how you are going to develop your product. This includes finding manufacturers and sourcing supplies.

This is critical because you need to have the ability to mass produce a product and scale a product.

Also, you need to be able to bring a product to the people to create a profitable and sustainable business.

Create A Crowdfunding Campaign

The next step is to create your crowdfunding for Startups.

This is a way to convince people to invest in your company and spread the word. Also, you will be able to determine if your product is viable.

If people are willing you pay to invest in your product, chances are good there is demand for your product.

Bring The Product To Market

The final step is to use the proceeds from a successful campaign to launch your product. Allow your product to solve problems.

Crowdfunding for Startups is an effective way to finance your venture.

How To Manage Your Google Plus Page

The social media mix is daunting.

What platforms should I be on?

Where are my customers located?

How do I manage my social media accounts?

These are all questions that we seem to be faced with when trying to build our digital brand.

The question you need to ask is: what platforms are your customers are on?

Then, engage with those platforms. A lot.

Most companies should be on Facebook, but not everybody should be on LinkedIn. Some on Google+ and others on twitter.

Once you’ve decided what platforms are best, then it is time to decide how to engage. In this post we are going to focus on how to manage your Google Plus page. It is a powerful engagement tool for a business page and can be useful for social selling.

Google+ is unlike other social media platforms and it takes some time to figure out and master.

There are features, such as hangouts, groups, and communities you can be a part of. To become engaged on Google+, here are a few topics to consider.

Then, decide how to manage your Google Plus page and presence.

What Is Google+?

Google+ is the social network that Google developed to compete with Facebook. It is a significantly more powerful tool for business.

Google+ allows you to follow and connect with your friends and colleagues and put them in to circles. These circles add layers that allow you to connect to different people for different subjects.

What this allows you to do is engage with individuals on a deeper level and in a more specific way.

Why Google+

Google+ is a part of Google.

Google+ will allow you to improve your search results, as well as connect your Google+ to your pages. This is powerful as it creates a seamless integration of your business pages on Google+ and your website.

Also, if you are utilizing Adwords, then you need Google+ to help maximize the efficacy of your Adwords campaign. Google+ will also allow people to +1 your page right from Google search results. This improves the search results of your pages.

Google+ will take some time to understand, but the metrics are very powerful.

How to Manage Your Google Plus Page

Google+ pages is a page for businesses.

As a Google+ user you will have a private account associated with your Gmail. Then a business account that will allow you to promote your business. If you are a business you will want to be a page, and in this way, you can converse with your potential customers.

This is the way you engage and start conversations about topics related to your industry.

Google+ Engagement

The engagement of Google+ is to set different people into different circles. Then, begin to engage with those individuals.

This engagement will allow you to have very specific conversations with customers and connections. This creates a deep level of engagement.

The engagement is to provide product feedback, enhance lead conversion, and keep a customer engaged. The result is more use of your products.

How To Make SMART Goals

Everybody continually talks about setting goals, to-do lists, and other measures to increase productivity and performance. When making goals, you should ask: what makes a quality goal? Are there a better ways than others to make goals? How can goal setting be more effective? The best way that I have found to make goals is by using SMART goals.

This is a specific way to make goals that will allow you to have a measurable goal that can be tracked. Also, it gives a goal some way to be measurable and quantitative. Now, whether you are making a personal goal or a career goal, this method is the sure-fire way to keep yourself on track.

SMART goals are a goal that is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely, or SMART for short.


A specific goal is a goal that points to some concrete and specific action. An example is I want to learn Spanish. This is not a SMART goal in and of itself, but the specific part is that you want to learn Spanish. If you said you wanted to learn a language, this is too vague. Also, you can make this goal more specific as you will see through the rest of the explanation.


So the measurable component is, does your goal have aspects that will allow you to measure your progress. In our goal, I want to learn Spanish, you will want to be able to measure your progress. Can you measure your progress? Of course, and this can be done by the number of words you have learned. So you will want a component that will specify needing to measure the amount of words you have learned.


Is learning Spanish an attainable goal? Well to learn Spanish is broad, but to learn Spanish to a conversational level in 1 year is a little more specific. The question is, is this attainable? If you can make a goal attainable by placing more details in the goal itself it will become more attainable. By practicing Spanish for at least 30 minutes a day I can learn Spanish in a year. If this is attainable then you can say it is attainable.


Is learning Spanish a realistic goal? Of course. Learning a language is something anybody can learn. Knowing this you know that learning Spanish is realistic. Now learning Spanish to a native level in 1 month may not be realistic, but let’s keep the goal to something simple such as learning Spanish.


If a goal is timely, then it has a time period in which to be accomplished. If you want to be conversational in Spanish in 1 year, which means you need to know 2,000 words, this is time bound. This goal is actually the SMART goals you are working to formulate.

The SMART goal is that you want to be conversational in Spanish in one year by learning 2,000 words. This is a specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and a timely goal. By using this metric you can create goals which you are able to accomplish.

Good luck and good selling!

How To Create A Detailed Plan

Creating a detailed plan does not need to be difficult.

Being detail oriented and organized are valuable on, but this does not come naturally to everybody.

Attention to detail and organization are beneficial when planning for a project. Projects can become overwhelming and go much longer than expected if not planned in detail.

This is why there needs to be a detailed plan.

The big question is how to develop and stick to the plan.

We are going to discuss how to develop and execute a detailed plan for projects. Use this process to plan for all your future projects.

Who Is The Project For?

The first step in a detailed plan is to identify who the project is for. Is the project for a client, your boss, or for a family member.

Answering this questions will dictate how you identify the project scope. As everybody’s needs are different, this will help identify the right goals.

Why Does The Market Need The Project?

In a detailed plan, we need to identify why the project needed. Is the project for the market, and so you need to define the solution the project is providing?

Or, is the project for your company and so you need to identify the solution internally?

This is essential, because once you can identify the needs of the project you can develop the rest of the process. The need will allow you to identify the solution to solve and how to provide value.

What Is The Project Timeline?

Develop a timeline for the project.

When is the final project due?

Once this is identified, then you can create different milestones. Milestones are essential so that you can stay on track to meet a deadline.

Also, it helps in breaking the larger project goal into simpler more manageable tasks. This will assist in continuing to move the project forward.

Who Is The Competition?

When developing a project you want to know the competition.

Who else is doing what you are trying to do?

If you are providing a solution, are there current solutions in the market?

If so, how can you better them?

Also, if there are others doing your project, then there is no sense in reinventing the wheel. Look to others for how to accomplish the goal, and then make the solution better.

Why Are You Different?

Defining why you are different is essential. If there is no difference then there is not much point to do the project.

Define your differences and why your project is needed. This will clearly focus why you are trying to do this particular project.

Also, the differentiation will become your competitive advantage when the project is complete.

What Is The End Goal?

Start from the end of the project. Define what the end goal and work backwards from there.

This will give you an idea of what you are trying to accomplish. Then, you can define the other goals along the way. The end goal can come from a curiosity or an observation, but you want to have a reason to begin a project.

Building a detailed plan can ensure the success of a project, product or startup. Take the time to plan, as this can become a predictor of success.

Good luck and good selling!