If you lose a tooth, you’ll head to your dentist to see about getting it replaced.
There are a few ways to replace it.
One of those ways is through a dental implant.
A screw that fits in the spot of your missing tooth. Which then gets a fake tooth placed on top.
Now, your dentist may or may not do this for you. It’s likely they don’t. The most likely scenario is they would refer you to an Oral Surgeon or a Periodontist.
These are dentists that specialize in dental implants.
I sold these dental implants.
The buying process is a hub and spoke model.
The Oral Surgeon or Periodontist is the hub, while the dentist you visit is the spoke.
These specialists have many dentists referring these dental implant surgeries to them.
In this model, there are a couple ways to grow your business.
You can sell directly to Oral Surgeons and Periodontists. Convincing them to use your specific dental implant.
Or, you can sell to the referring dentists and have them request a dental implant to be placed. Typically, the specialist will oblige.
The latter of these two methods is effective. Reason being, the specialists care more about their relationship with their referrals than they do about which implant they use.
This is a classic situation of understanding who the buyers are, who the influencers are, and how they interact together during the buying process.
To succeed in this model, we need to create awareness and demand for the buyers. But more importantly, we need to do this for the influencers.
By doing so, we are able to engage and empower the influencers. Giving them enough reason to introduce our solutions to decision makers.
Rarely is the B2B purchase decision made with a single buyer. Nor, does it lie strictly in a buying committee.
And once you engage those influencers, you get the call from your target Oral Surgeon who finally wants to use your product.